Beginner's mind

 One of the things I really come to appreciate in America is education. I feel that as long as you are willing and ready to learn, there are always resources available for you. When I was in college, I have classmates who are 10 or even 20 years older than me and the instructors. They were excited to learn new things. They weren't working toward a degree like I was, but almost all of them are more engaged in the class than I did. This culture of always learning really effects me. After I graduated from college and received my degree, I continue to learn anything that will push me to become a better artist. Recently I am learning about business as an artist. The instructor reminds me throughout the lessons to have a beginner's mind. I might've heard the information elsewhere, but I should listen again anyways. I can still discover something new. 

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Connect and merge your shapes

Connect and merge your shapes

Our eyes can trick us! When we look at a scenery or a finished painting. Our first glance is the overall shape of the scenery. However, when we look at our reference and start painting, our eyes start to focus on individual things. Our eyes have very narrow focus. When we look at something with just a tiny bit of depth, everything else around it quickly fade and blur out. Because of this, many students paint a scenery or portrait with many separate elements. They also tend to put too much emphasis and details in places that are not as important. 

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Don't loose sight of your priority.

 I am constantly living in between prolific artists and people who are busy with their lives in general. As an artist, I follow other artists on social media (Facebook, Instagram). And it is not unusual that I see some artists sharing new beautiful works every day. While I am happy to see new artwork from them every day, the little voice inside of me almost always ask me "look at them, they paint way more than you do, what are you doing?" However, I know for a fact that some of them are able to do so because they have more time then I do. Many of them are single, they don't have 3 kids, and they don't have other works. I on the other hand do. 

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